Stepping into divorce can be scary and quickly overwhelming. A huge mistake that can be made early in the process is not hiring the right team or not hiring a team at all. Your divorce team can be as simple or as complex as you need it to be. So, who are the various professionals you can hire to support you through this time? 

·       Certified Divorce Financial Analyst®

·       Mediator

·       Family Law Attorney

·       Estate/Elder Law Attorney – in certain types of cases

·       Therapist/Counselor

·       Divorce or Life Coach

There are other professionals that could come into play throughout a divorce, like a mortgage lender or real estate agent. How do you decide the right path and right individuals to hire? There are a couple things to keep in mind.

1.    Do your research and/or get referrals

The average divorce process can go on for a year. You want to be sure that the professionals you choose are focused on your best interest, have the same goal in mind and you actually like them! For example, if you and your spouse are cooperative you may find a private mediator is a good option for both of you. In that case you wouldn’t want to hire an attorney that seems to encourage litigation.

2.    If you aren’t sure ASK someone

Once a divorce is finalized it is, for the most part, final and cannot be undone. If you are in negotiations and feeling fearful or unsure then ask for help. Seek out a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst® to help you understand your financial picture, what various settlement options will mean for your future and what financial mistakes to avoid. Be cautious to throw in the towel to come to a settlement. You may seek out a Certified Divorce Coach to help you work through each step of the process. Divorce DOES NOT have to be a long drawn out battle with your spouse. There are alternative options that promote a more peaceful process. Consider your situation and how you want the process to look then seek out the professionals that are in line with your wishes.